When I look at myself as a performer, I believe that I am a well-rounded skilled performer I believe that I have the skills and confidence required to enter the industry.
I would class myself as a good all-round drama student, this is due to my strengths in various different sub-areas of the subject. In movement, I would consider myself a very good listener as I can follow instructions very well. These ties into my communication skills as I know exactly when to ask for help when I need to.
I believe that I am professional and very cable to become an actor with the educational training and hands on training I have had and continue to have not just with acting but with stage management as well.
I believe to be a fully skilled actor I should have experience with all fields of the performing arts Industry such as dance, music and stagehand etc to have a full appreciation and knowledge of what is to come when entering such a scary and overwhelming career path such as acting.
I feel like I am quite an adaptable student as I work well in both groups and in solus. This allows me to apply myself to any and all work I receive, whether it be written or practical.
Speaking of practical work, since I prefer this, I am a keen learner in this area. This makes me a speedy learner when it comes to subjects like movement and stage presence. I feel like my biggest strengths are in these fields, as a kinaesthetic learner (one who learns best in practical or hands on situations and tasks).
Skills – What skills do I have and what am I good at?
I feel like I possess a multitude of varied skills, many of which I have picked up whilst working my way up the education ladder. One of these skills I am particularly good at is teamwork. Teamwork is working with other peers to accomplish any given task. I have used teamwork all throughout my college life, as when working in the performing arts industry you must be able to cooperate with loads of different people such as fellow actors, directors, technicians and many more. One of the instances that I have used teamwork, is when I performed my movement performance on the beach. In the task we had to work together to create a movement piece that illustrates a story about refugees and the current situation in Syria. This task proved to be quite easy for me as I am well versed in communicating with others, as well as playing support roles in groups. This isn’t my limit though, as I can perform well as a group leader, using the same command and communication skills I poses from rigorous practicing of group work from a very young age.
Another set of skills I possess are articulation and projection which are vocal techniques that are used during a spoken word performance. However, they can also be used during a movement piece if text is included.
I believe that my articulation is very good during performance because have identified my problem areas (like pronunciation) and have used vocal warmups to improve – Which benefitted greatly.